American Brass Quintet Pays Tribute to Retiring Members
Event Details
The program features the world premiere of Eric Ewazen’sCanticum honoris amicorum; In Gabrieli’s Day (edited by Raymond Mase);Osvaldo Lacerda’s Fantasia e Rondó (1977); Gunther Schuller’s Brass Quintet No. 2; Victor Ewald’s Quintet No. 1 in B-flat Minor, Op. 5; and Carlo Gesualdo’s Three Madrigals (edited by Louis Hanzlik). The American Brass Quintet will be joined by two of their current students and Raymond Mase and David Wakefield.
For more information, visit: http://www.juilliard.edu/about/newsroom/2014-15/american-brass-quintet-pays-tribute-retiring-members-raymond-mase-and-david
October 16, 8:00pm
155 W 65th St New York, NY 10023