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Mar 12



The (North) American Brass Quintet jaunts to Hillary's Newfoundland

MapMUN, Tuckamore Chamber Music

ABQ ventures to our trombonist's homeland to perform in spectacular Newfoundland for the first time. Everyone is excited for this meeting and bringing ABQ's music to this part of the world.
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Apr 2



ABQ leaves some heart in San Francisco

MapSF Conservatory of Music

ABQ settles in for a week-long residency at the SF Conservatory. An intensive week with a variety of performing classes, culminating in a performance featuring a collaboration with SFCM students and faculty joining ABQ for a sonic spectacular.
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Apr 6



Return to Brookings Harbor

MapSeventh Day Adventist Church

ABQ heads back to gorgeous Brookings Harbor on the southern Oregon Coast. A matinee performance featuring some of ABQ's great recent commissioned pieces, 
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Apr 11



More Tyshawn consortium

MapZoellner Arts Center at Lehigh University

The second performance of Pulitzer Prize winner Tyshawn Sorey's quintet for one of the consortium leaders.
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Apr 13



Maryland reunion

MapThe Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center

ABQ performs Tyshawn Sorey's quintet for the lead consortium member, The Clarice at the U of Maryland. This will kick off a 3-day residency, including a composer's reading on Tuesday, April 15 at 7 pm.
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Jun 17



Southeast Trombone Symposium

MapColumbus St. U. Schwob School of Music

ABQ's first visit and performance at Columbus, Georgia's Southeast Trombone Symposium
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Jul 23



Aspen Music Festival recital

Gillespie and 3rd St, Aspen, CO 81611

ABQ's 55th year as ensemble-in-residence will be celebrated with a mix of old and new commissions, plus the beautiful Early Music suite, "In Gabrieli's Day." A new piece, Largo, from MacArthur Grant and Pulitzer prize winner Tyshawn Sorey will be featured alongside Joan Tower's epic Copperwave, David Snow's Dance Movements, and Philip Lasser's moving Common Heroes, Uncommon Land.
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